Swine Flu

Should you and your family trust the pharmaceutical companies who make billions on “Swine Flu?

Be informed!

The Threat of Mandatory Vaccinations
By Adam Murdock, MD

Click: Swine Flu Scam Reaches New Heights With Obama’s Emergency Declaration

3 month CBS investigation swept under the rug – what’s being hidden and why?

Click Important lies discovered

ALERT: Special Swine Flu Update – Click Update
Posted by: Dr. Mercola

“Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu” By Dr. Russell Blaylock.
Click to read this very important Document.

Must watch videos; “What To Do if You are Forced to Take Swine Flu Shot”
Dr. Russell Blaylock.
Blaylock Video – Mercola

Video: World Health Organization Swine Fle Vaccine Scam

Flu Vaccine Exposed: Think Twice!
The Real Truth Behind Flu Shots — And Why So Few People Get the Flu During the Summer…
Dr. Mercola
Many links by researcher Jane Burgermeister:
The Flu Case .com
When you think about it, the prevention of “Swine Flu”
(and just about anything else that could knock you down)
is and always will be – the true and natural healthy state of your body.
For help in achieving this state, call Julie to
schedule an appointment at (323) 663-7736. Los Angeles and vicinity.

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