Many people have been led to believe that soy is a beneficial food, when there’s tremendous evidence to the contrary.
Soy is in protein bars, baked goods, cereals, soy burgers, cheese, ice cream, milk, meal replacement drinks, even baby infant formula!
Absolutely see Weston Price and Soyonlineservice for vitally important information now!
When you’re in the office, please ask to see a copy of the authoritive The Whole Soy Story
In this book, Dr. Kaayla Daniel discusses the differences in Eastern and Western cultures’ soy consumption.
Traditional Asian eaters consume highly digestible, fermented soy, like miso, tamari, tempeh, and soy sauce—not fancy versions of America’s favorite junk foods.
The main disparity, Daniel writes, is that people in Asia eat small amounts of whole-soybean products, while Western processors separate the beans into the protein and the oil.
Traditional Asian products also use whole beans that are fermented for at least three months; this important part of the process makes the bean more digestible. High-tech processing does just the opposite—it increases the beans’ toxic and cancer-causing residues with high temperatures, pressures, and chemicals. Without fermentation, soy actually inhibits calcium, iron, and zinc absorption.
Besides “soy,” “soya” and “soybeans,” other words on food labels may indicate that the product contains soy, including:
Glycine max
Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP)
Hydrolyzed plant protein
Textured vegetable protein (TVP)
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Artificial flavoring
Natural flavoring
Article from Why soy gets a bad wrap Part 1 – Part 2.
In short, fermented soy is OK, but avoid all other forms of this over-processed substance.